Westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus Clarkii Lewisi) management plan: part 2

9. Current management framework

The current management framework is outlined here as it applies to people and habitat management.

9.1 First nations interests

Shared stewardship of B.C.’s shared fisheries resource and support of the food, social, and ceremonial needs of First Nations are critical to the recognition of established First Nation rights and entitlements. For WCT management, this means a need to consult on management issues that may affect First Nations culture. At all times, First Nations will be appropriately consulted following, at a minimum, province-wide (Province of British Columbia 2010), and Ministerial guidelines for consultation. Effective delivery of this management plan depends on relationship building and engaging First Nations in all activities, such as habitat restoration, as there is always the potential for information sharing and cost effective implementation. In addition, the collection of traditional knowledge, as begun in Prince (2001), should continue and could help clarify baseline data on distribution, for example.

9.2 Habitat management

The following legislative tools may protect various aspects of fish habitat within WCT range:

Long Description for Table 9

Table 9 is titled “Legislative tools that may protect various aspects of fish habitat within WCT range.” The table is read horizontally from left to right, and consists of two columns and 13 rows. The top row contains the column headings: Legislation and Details. Horizontal headers titled “Federal” and “Provincial” further sub-divide the rows beneath it.

Table 9. Legislative tools that may protect various aspects of fish habitat within WCT range
Legislation Details
Fisheries Act The Fisheries Protection and Pollution Prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act provide protection to WCT.
Canada National Parks Act Enables the Governor in Council or the Minister responsible for the Parks Canada Agency to make regulations regarding management of parks including flora, fauna, and fisheries.
Species at Risk Act (SARA) One goal of SARA is to manage species of special concern to prevent them from becoming endangered or threatened. SARA requires the development and subsequent reporting on implementation of a management plan which includes measures for the conservation of the species. If a project is subject to an assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012, measures must be taken to avoid or lessen any adverse effects of the project on the species.
B.C. Wildlife Act Wildlife Management Areas (not used for fish in general, but may provide indirect benefits.
Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) Identified Wildlife Management Strategy – WCT is on the schedule of species at risk that may be affected by forest and range practices and may require additional protection measures. An account for WCT lays out habitat needs and sensitivities, as well as appropriate measures for protection. Fisheries Sensitive Streams can also be designated under FRPA where fish values are high and sensitive to forest and range practices. To date, a single WCT stream, Palliser Creek, has been designated, indicating it requires special management to maintain key stream characteristics. Under FRPA, temperature-sensitive streams may also be designated to highlight the need to maintain water temperatures but to date no streams have been designated and no official procedure is in place to do so (L. Reese-Hansen, pers. comm., 2010). Wildlife Habitat Areas (only been used for Bull Trout so far) are another possibility.
Protected Areas related Park Act, Ecological Reserve Act, Reserve Act, Environment, Land Use Act – general intent is to maintain intact ecosystems
B.C. Fish Protection Act Riparian Areas Regulation – RAR only applies to local governments within the regional districts of Columbia/Shuswap and Thompson/Nicola. Both of these regions lie in the peripheral areas of the WCT range in B.C.
B.C. Water Act Water Act Modernization (in progress), the new proposed Water Sustainability Act and Living Water Smart program. Section 9 regarding “changes in and about a stream” – incorporating stream health and instream flow needs into water allocations.
B.C. Environmental Management Act Came into force in 2004 – especially Waste Discharge Regulation

9.3 Fisheries management

9.3.1 Regulatory framework

Both federal and provincial legislation provides a framework for managing WCT fisheries:

9.3.2 Regional WCT regulations

Increasingly conservative regulations have been put in place to improve angling quality in East Kootenay streams since the 1980s, in response to complaints over declines in abundance and fish size. In particular, these regulations have been geared to restoring a balanced age structure in WCT and reducing harvest (Oliver 2009). To this end, management has been effective in achieving these goals at least in the heavily angled waters of the Elk and St. Mary’s rivers. Seasonal angler catch has increased by 30-fold, WCT now make up 95% of the total catch, CPUEs have increased significantly (up to 3.5 times), and large fish (> 30 cm) are much more common (Oliver 2009). In addition, guided angling has increased significantly.

Furthermore, the East Kootenay Angling Management Plan (EKAMP) was completed in 2006 (B.C. Ministry of Environment 2006) as a response to overcrowding issues on what were considered premier WCT streams. Implicit in the EKAMP is that conservation needs have already been met.

The current angling regulations include (from 2009 to 2011 Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis):

9.3.3 Quality waters strategy

As previously discussed, the EKAMP lays out specific angler day quotas and guide number caps for each of seven Quality Waters streams. While these Quality Waters include all species, wild WCT is generally the targeted species by guided and non-guided anglers alike, although Bull Trout may also be targeted in the Wigwam River, and is a close “second” target in some other rivers (J. Burrows, pers. comm., 2011). The implementation of the River Guardians Program as part of the Quality Waters Strategy occurred to monitor status of the WCT fishing quality.

9.3.4 Fisheries enhancement

Enhancement for recreational opportunities associated with WCT is currently limited to stocking of diploid F1 hatchery fish, fish originating from Connor Lakes broodstock. WCT stocking is now limited to mainly lakes, all within the native range of WCT. It remains unclear as to whether stocking occurs in systems with wild populations of WCT. Egg collections from wild broodstock in Connor Lake occur every 2 years. The Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program may be initiating enhancement on some streams in the next 5 years.

9.3.5 Safeguarding/Refugia

No framework or policy is in place regarding the identification or creation of refuge populations of pure WCT but some have been considered recently including fishing closures, designation of headwater populations above barriers (COSEWIC 2006), and translocations to isolated areas above barrier locations. For example, a transplant from Cupola Creek to previously fishless Ventigo Creek has been initiated as part of an IPP project to provide an insurance population. While refugia can contribute to conservation goals, a full evaluation of effectiveness and potential impacts on other species needs to be considered in advance, in consideration of emerging policy and new biological/genetic information.

9.3.6 Provincial parks

The Fish Stocking in Provincial Protected Areas Guideline is available for Protected Areas in B.C. However, Whiteswan Lake in Whiteswan Provincial Park represents a particularly challenging situation. The park was designated as a Class A park in 1978 (D. Biffard, pers. comm., 2011). The lake supports a regionally significant sport fishery and has been stocked regularly with Rainbow Trout from various strains from 1964 to 2009 (most recently Gerrard). Historically, stocking may have occurred as early as 1931 to 1957 but the lake was treated with toxaphene at this time to eliminate native non-sport species (J. Burrows, pers. comm., 2011). Diploid fish (1.5 million Rainbow Trout from various strains) were stocked up to 2003. A naturalized Rainbow Trout population became established in the lake and efforts were shifted to encourage natural spawning; such efforts included beaver control to maintain stream access. Most recently, native species control and enhancement of an invasive species were determined to be inconsistent with the Conservation Program Policy under the Park Act but permissible if expressly approved by the Regional Manager of Parks and Protected Areas. Currently, the Regional Manager approves a strategy to discontinue beaver control, monitor angler use, and stock to maintain the fishery with sterile Rainbow Trout (D. Biffard, pers. comm., 2011), but enhancement of spawning habitats has been discontinued since 2009. However, the situation remains challenging as rainbow are continuing to migrate out of the lake despite attempted containment with a barrier fences (Heidt 2007, 2009), and other preventative measures. Spawning rainbow are regularly found downstream of the lake and falls (Bell and Chirico (2007), as have numerous WCT hybrids (Rubidge and Taylor 2004, 2005).

9.3.7 National parks

Angling in the mountain national parks is managed through the Canada National Parks Act and the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations. In addition to the act and fishing regulations, Superintendent’s Orders at each park can be used for short-term management or to bridge the times between regulatory amendments. WCT have zero possession limits in Yoho and Kootenay. Streams and rivers are closed to angling in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier. Beyond this there is little information available for fisheries. They support very few anglers, waters tend to be fairly unproductive, and no enhancement or fertilization has been conducted since the 1970s. Regardless, the Eastern Brook Trout originally stocked throughout much of Kootenay and Yoho National Parks have now become the dominant species (S. Humphries, pers. comm., 2011).

9.4 Recommended management actions and priorities

Recommended management actions for WCT in B.C. ensure that the Management Objectives (see Section 6) can be met, are intended to be consistent with the B.C. Freshwater Fisheries Program Plan goals (B.C. Ministry of Environment 2007), and return the species’ conservation status to not at risk. As evidence is unclear or lacking in many cases, actions are included as necessary to address key gaps in information, to address priority threats, and to directly address targets and objectives.

The full list of recommended actions is summarized in Table 10. Actions were prioritized according to immediacy of need. Actions that should be initiated immediately are noted as Essential. Most of these actions consist of inventory and monitoring, or habitat restoration and protection focused activities. This focus emphasizes the current lack of information available to describe population structure and distribution, as well as highlights the need for some immediate policy and planning to improve protection of WCT populations.

Recommendations for management on a provincial scale that can be used by government, partners, and interest groups to aid in determining resource priorities and to develop appropriate policy statements are summarized in the following sections.

Long Description for Table 10

Table 10 is titled “Summary of recommended actions considered critical in implementing the WCT management plan.” The table is read horizontally from left to right, and consists of three columns and 46 rows. The top row contains the column headings: Recommended Actions, Objective and Concern Addressed, and Priority. Horizontal headers titled “Population Conservation,” and “Habitat Protection/Restoration” further sub-divide the rows beneath it. Footnotes on the column headers “Objective and Concern Addressed” and “Priority,” and the table caption offer further explanation.

Table 10. Summary of recommended actions 22 considered critical in implementing the WCT management plan.
Recommended Actions Objectives and Concern Addressed Priorityt
Population Conservation

Define populations using predictive model:

  • Confirm status in unknown areas including peripheral areas
  • Consider data on range of movement, barrier data, hydrological units, genetics, threats, stocking records
  • Ground-truth species composition, logical hydrological units, genetics, demography, barrier surveys, habitat disturbances using standardized approaches
1; Knowledge Gap Essential
Describe genetic structure of B.C. WCT populations. 1; Knowledge Gap Beneficial

Establish status of introgression in WCT populations:

  • Complete a genetic inventory update and gap analysis
  • Where hybridization is occurring, determine direction and rate of change
1; Knowledge Gap Essential
Identify naturalized Rainbow Trout spawning locations focusing on locations where they are likely to concentrate (e.g., in lower elevation creeks), prioritize areas where there is potential cross-breeding with WCT. 1; Threat: Introgression Essential
Identify naturalized Eastern Brook Trout populations. 1; Threats: Altered Community Dynamics Necessary
Monitor upstream movement of U.S. hybrids within Flathead Population Group. 1; Threats: Introgression Necessary
Determine if kokanee enhancement in Kookanusa could be a detriment to WCT production. 1; Threats: Altered community dynamics Beneficial
Define “pure WCT population” and establish thresholds to trigger appropriate management responses. 1; Threats: Introgression Necessary
Prioritize WCT populations for restoration action based on genetic purity. 1; Threats: All Necessary
Gather aboriginal traditional knowledge, and other historic accounts of occurrence and unique characteristics to help clarify historical distribution, relative abundance, and fish community structure 1, 2; Knowledge Gap Necessary

Develop policy and regulations for protection and restoration of wild WCT populations including consideration of:

  • Regulations: opportunistic removal in areas of high hybridization and naturalize Rainbow Trout populations (listed in Appendix 4)
  • Policies: refugium/transplantation; barrier use; nutrient supplementation; and hatchery supplementation. Note that B.C. currently does not use hatchery supplementation to restore salmonid populations thus it would first have to be considered in an experimental/evaluation context (Province of British Columbia 2005).
  • “Habitat banking” – explore as a compensation option and determine if/when using this might be appropriate.
1; Threats: Introgression; Fish passage; large-scale habitat modifications Essential

Review recreational stocking programs for WCT, Rainbow Trout, and Eastern Brook Trout to ensure risks to WCT are minimized:

  • WCT stocking in Connor Lake – review stocking plan to ensure no stocking into wild WCT waters
  • Eastern Brook Trout stocking – confirm plan meets current stocking policy
  • Rainbow Trout stocking – confirm all current stocking in WCT range is in isolated lakes and uses sterile fish; reduce Rainbow Trout stocking in key WCT range and consider stocking with native species as an alternative
1; Threat: Introgression Necessary

Support stewardship initiatives by local governments, angling groups, and stream stewardship groups, by helping prepare the following for a wider distribution than the regulations synopsis:

  • species identification tools;
  • education material to reduce hooking injury mortality;
  • education materials for schools/angling clubs on biology, threats (especially invasive species and introgression), such as brochures, Powerpoint presentations, and relevant signage; and
  • promote stewardship agreements/conservation covenants.
1-4; all Beneficial
Develop Whiteswan Lake management plan for WCT due to confirmed hybrid status (WCT x RBT) in watershed. Plan should include stocking recommendations, naturalized Rainbow Trout population management, barrier use, etc. 1, 2; Threats: Introgression Essential
For wild, unexploited WCT populations, use threat analysis to identify at risk populations and assess carrying capacity of a random subset of these populations. 1, 2; Knowledge Gap Beneficial

Identify wild, exploited stream and lake WCT populations (include subgroups if necessary) for individual stock assessment including Classified Waters and non-Classified Waters:

  • Classified Waters: Bull, Wigwam, Elk, St. Mary, Skookumchuck, White, and Upper Kootenay rivers
  • Non-Classified Waters: Flathead, Akolkolex, Goat, Findlay, and Lussier rivers
  • Other small populations
2; Knowledge Gap Essential

Develop a measure of carrying capacity for each exploited WCT population using:

  • the empirical approach (preferred) on as many populations as possible to measure total abundance and harvest rate; or
  • the modeling approach (as needed) which requires considerable demographic information.
2; Knowledge Gap Necessary

Develop and implement standard protocols to determine WCT total abundance.

  • Consider the following methods:
    • Snorkeling – adult count of entire river
    • Mark recapture – watershed or reach scale
    • Catch per unit effort (could be hyper-stable, needs investigation before use)
    • Genetic analysis (needs investigation to determine if plausible).
  • Determine fry/parr densities (e.g., night-time snorkeling).
  • Determine if the different methods produce equivalent results.
  • Document, test, and prioritize each protocol.
  • Develop long-term sampling strategy to obtain data for carrying capacity.
2; Knowledge Gap Essential
Establish a periodic schedule of WCT stock re-assessments that is prioritized around relative threat risk and availability of occurrences. 2; Knowledge Gap Necessary
Determine if a single Nequilibrium value for large, productive systems and its associated WCT Objective 2 target is appropriate given variability in productivity observed even among Classified Waters rivers. 2; Knowledge Gap Necessary
Based on application of abundance-related reference points, develop a summary of WCT manage actions for each management zone (as adapted from Johnston et al. 2002). 2; Knowledge Gap Necessary
For wild, unexploited WCT populations manage threats to keep populations above the Limit Reference Point (0.2 equilibrium or higher in very small populations). 2; Threats: All Beneficial
Determine if the “persistence” goal for wild, unexploited (headwater) WCT populations of 0.2·Nequilibrium (Limit Reference Point) needs adjusting (may not be high enough). Adjust as needed. 2; Knowledge Gap Necessary
Determine how to assess angling mortality, and obtain direct measures of catch and release mortality for each fishery (e.g., fly fishing only in catch and release zone, gear in catch and release zone, fly fishing in kill zone, gear in kill zone). 2; Knowledge Gap;
Threat: Direct mortality
Evaluate physiological impacts of catch and release: condition factor, age at size, post-release mortality (24- to 48-hr mortality standard). 2; Knowledge Gap; Threat: Direct mortality Necessary
Habitat Protection/Restoration
Identify key habitats for migratory and resident WCT populations. 3; Knowledge Gap Necessary
Review fish barrier information and further investigate to confirm significance of threat (e.g., reduction in carrying capacity) to WCT. 3; Threats: Fish passage; Small-scale habitat modifications Essential

Support Water Act modernization including:

  • establishing fish flow needs for WCT and identify priority watersheds with persistent deficiencies,
  • strengthen provisions regarding release of damaging substances to high risk streams, and
  • support/develop water management plans in priority streams.
3; Knowledge Gap; Threat: Altered flow regime Beneficial
Explore the possibility of extending Riparian Area Regulations in Kootenays beyond Revelstoke, toward the goal of identify opportunities for regulating minimum riparian protection widths in areas of the province where they do not currently exist. 3; Threats: Small/large-scale habitat modifications Beneficial
Complete stream restoration activities in streams with identified habitat deficiencies, impacts, or high fishing pressures 1-4; all; Threats: riparian alteration, altered flow regimes, instream habitat modifications Essential
Sustainable And Diverse Recreational Opportunities
Obtain use information for priority non-Classified Waters: Goat, Lussier, Findlay, and Wildhorse rivers. 4; Knowledge Gap Beneficial
Determine linkage between catch per unit effort and fish abundance. 2, 4; Knowledge Gap Necessary
Determine advantage of a catch per unit effort target for Classified Waters. 4; Knowledge Gap Beneficial
Determine if commercial activities are adequately regulated on non-Classified Waters. 4; Knowledge Gap Necessary
Determine benefits of small lakes recreation associated with WCT and consider ways to optimize sustainable recreation including stocking, lake enrichment, etc. 4; Knowledge Gap Beneficial
Determine information needed to better understand and define WCT harvest opportunities. Develop a plan to explore potential harvest opportunities. 4; Knowledge Gap Beneficial
Expand the River Guardian program to priority non-Classified Waters, including data gathering on compliance monitoring (including small streams), and harvest rate determination. 4; Threats: several Beneficial
Consider Skeena approach (Dolan 2008) to deal with oversubscription issues for Wigwam River and Elk River. 4; Threat: Direct mortality Necessary
Advertise WCT status via appropriate bulletin/poster program to educate public on its conservation status and required management. 1, 2, 3, 4;
Threats: several

s Objectives are described in Section 6.

t Essential (urgent and important, needs to start immediately); Necessary (important but not urgent, action can start in 2–5 years); or Beneficial (action is beneficial and could start at any time that was feasible).

9.4.1 Population conservation (Objectives 1 and 2)

Population protection and recovery for WCT are the top priorities for this management plan; conservation is also the foundation upon which a sustainable recreational fishery can be maintained. To date, the conservation of wild WCT populations has been mainly ad hoc and reactive, in response to declining angling quality, with a few one-off initiatives such as translocations associated with water and land use. Angling regulations have become increasingly restrictive resulting in a positive response in terms of more, larger fish observed in the few rivers tracked. Introgression and altered communities associated with past stocking initiatives have only been recently considered in stocking changes; specifically limiting stocking to sterile Rainbow Trout (3N RBT) in the East Kootenays and sterile (all female) Eastern Brook Trout (AF3N EBT) province wide (see FFSBC 2003 for a detailed description of stocked fishes). The extent to which hybridization exists and is ongoing remains unknown but potential for impact appears greatest in Upper Kootenay and Elk Population Groups. Furthermore, reference points for population abundance have not been determined and it is unclear if angling-related mortality is a significant issue in any of the fisheries (e.g., Classified Waters, non- Classified Waters summer, non- Classified Waters winter).

9.4.2 Habitat protection/restoration (Objective 3)

Habitat protection and restoration are fundamental components of conservation. Few landscape-level assessments have considered habitat availability and quality specifically for WCT in B.C., although several location-specific assessments have been conducted. Forestry-related concerns are thought to be mainly residual (i.e., from pre-Forest Practices Code days) although some concerns exist under the current results-based framework and require increased compliance monitoring on behalf of government and industry. Agricultural and urban development, mainly related to riparian issues and water diversions, need to ensure WCT needs are met. Furthermore, the extent that stream crossings represent a significant barrier to upstream habitats needs to be determined. Finally, water quality concerns related to coal mining are significant in the Elk Population Group and need to be monitored.

9.4.3 Sustainable and diverse recreational opportunities (Objective 4)

Assuming conservation needs are met, the provision of recreational opportunities is fundamental to the Fisheries Program. Fisheries for WCT in B.C. have become increasingly conservative since the 1980s. At least in Quality Waters, the response is generally positive with quality of angling experience considered very good to high. However, overcrowding is becoming a greater issue on some streams, and compliance is a concern for both Classified and Non-classified Waters. The extent to which harvest can be maintained is not known. Similarly, there may be additional opportunities on small lakes of which we are currently unaware. Actions to be taken include exploring additional potential recreational fishing opportunities and working within the AMP process for Quality Waters to ensure that high quality opportunities are maintained. The WCT Management Plan defines WCT usable surplus; this surplus (i.e., harvest opportunities) will be addressed via an independent regulation setting process.

9.4.4 Recommended approach

A number of initiatives and projects were recommended to provide protective measures and address key knowledge gaps for WCT (Table 10). One of the highest priority items involves defining populations and prioritizing them for conservation. It is recommended that this be undertaken at the population level as watershed-level evaluation is considered to be too coarse a filter. To do this, discrete populations will need to be identified and their abundance level and associated management approach determined (see Appendix 2). It will take significant resources to undertake a predictive modeling exercise to spatially define all populations across the landscape. However, exploited populations are readily identified, and status can be in part assessed using stock assessment tools to evaluate abundance. Angling activity will need to be taken into account as angling pressures are increasing (along with improved harvest and compliance monitoring and fishing regulation assessments). Once populations have been assessed, a methodology to prioritize conservation efforts will need to be identified and applied.

Thus, in terms of activities that can be undertaken immediately, two high priority activity areas are apparent. First, a comprehensive stock assessment plan that establishes standardized methodologies to evaluate abundance in exploited systems should be initiated as soon as possible. This approach will not only evaluate existing and new methodologies available to estimate abundance and track trends, but will also identify priority populations for trend assessment. Such a plan will enable limited resources to be appropriately allocated. Second, in terms of protective and restoration measures to address hybridization, few additional resources are required to develop two policy-related pieces: a broader piece regarding barriers- and the Swan Lake Management Plan. As well, the development of a regulatory strategy to address Rainbow Trout presence where they co-occur with WCT should be initiated.

9.5 Management plan updates and implementation monitoring

The long time span required to document population recovery and ongoing management required for exploited populations necessitates a management plan that evolves over time. There are continuing advances in our understanding of the biology of native WCT (e.g., life history determination, population biology and genetics), stock assessment methodology and results, in addition to changes in the interest and concerns of anglers, First Nations and the general public. The landscape also changes, with rapidly developing anthropogenic changes altering the threats to the species, and the structure, jurisdictions, and capacity of management agencies are in a period of uncertainty and great flux. An effective management plan must be informed by these changes and the management objectives and priorities evolve to reflect them. To be current and effective this plan should be evaluated every 5 years and updated as necessary (a SARA requirement). The goal is to provide at least one up-to-date version to inform each COSEWIC reassessment, which currently occurs approximately every 10 years (next 2016).

The Essential activities prioritized in Table 10 should be completed over the next 5–10 years, and can serve as benchmarks and performance measures to evaluate progress towards meeting the Plan objectives. These activities directly relate to the COSEWIC reasons for designation (i.e., hybridization and competition with introduced species, development, agricultural, and resource-based industries), and provide the stock assessment information necessary to evaluate progress toward conservation and recreation objectives.

10. Effects on other species

Implementation of actions consistent with the objectives in this plan is intended to prevent WCT from becoming further at-risk and return the species’ conservation status to “not at risk,” and meet our global responsibility for the species’ conservation. Additional outcomes of actions to maintain or improve the capacity of natural habitats and ecosystem function will benefit many other fish, mammal, and bird species. Several potentially affected SARA-listed aquatic species include Umatilla Dace (Rhinichthys umatilla), Shorthead (Cottus confuses) and Columbia (Cottus hubbsi) sculpins, Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta), Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog (Ascaphus montanus), White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), and Bull Trout. The potential for the plan to inadvertently lead to effects on other species was considered. This plan will clearly benefit the environment and will not entail any significant adverse effects.

11. References

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Personal communications

Appendix 1. Habitat use in the Elk River

The following summary describes more specifically habitat use by WCT in the Elk River; this information is useful in understanding the need for intact migration routes, as well as the extent to which WCT use different habitats at different times. This recent radio-tagging study on the Elk River conducted in 2001–2002 identified important habitats for WCT (Westslope Fisheries Ltd. 2003).

Overwintering habitat was characterized by deeper river sections with glides and pools, in both iced over and open sections of river. Fish tended to aggregate in these sections starting in October, where they remained until the following April. Most notably, the fish in the upper sections migrated twice the distance that fish in the lower sections of the Elk River did to access overwintering sites, namely the Elk Lakes. Once there, the fish remained fairly sedentary. Elk Lakes are undoubtedly one of the few areas in the headwater section of the watershed with adequate depth to support adult WCT during the winter. In the lower river sections, fish tended to move frequently throughout the winter, possibly to avoid ice movement. Fish moved both upstream and downstream to access overwintering habitat in this lower section. The longest distance traveled between spawning and overwintering habitats during the study was 60 km.

Spawning habitat was documented in both tributaries and mainstem areas where gravels have been freshly deposited post-freshet. Tributary spawners in the lower Elk River exhibited the longest migrations to spawning grounds of up to 20 km. Although macro-habitats selected for spawning varied from main channel margins to side channels and perennial creeks, the specific characteristics were fairly similar among them. Redds tended to be clumped, and found in areas with an abundance of large woody debris and undercut banks. The dominant substrate used was gravel (1.8–3.3 cm diameter). Spawning occurred in late May and June when temperatures reached 7–11oC, but specific timing depended on elevation and snow pack runoff.

Conclusions from this study indicate for WCT in the Elk River:

  1. A range of overwintering and spawning migrations (extensive vs. short distances) is observed, reflecting different life histories and habitat availability.
  2. Spawning habitats include a range of locations (mainstem margin, offchannel, ephemeral, and perennial tributaries). While most fish spawned in the mainstem, some spawned in Morrissey, Lizard, Hartley, Michel, and Fording creeks, as well as the outlet of lower Elk Lake.
  3. Spawn time appeared to be linked to key stream conditions including temperature and flow (downward limb of hydrograph after fresh gravels are deposited).
  4. Microhabitat selection appears to be fairly invariable, regardless of location.

Appendix 2. Detailed description of framework and derivation of abundance targets (to meet objective 2)

Objective 2.Maintain wild populations at abundance levels that prevent at-risk status assessment so that the populations can provide sustainable societal benefits

Management framework
The three abundance thresholds are illustrated in Figure A2.1. The framework assumes that managers can alter either mortality rates or stock productivity through management actions. For populations that support recreational fisheries, the management actions will often be changes in fishing mortality rates.

Figure A2.1. The elements of an abundance-based precautionary management framework. Three abundance thresholds (the limit reference point, LRP; the conservation concern threshold, CCT; and the target reference point, TRP) force mandatory changes in management actions that are intended to maintain a population within the routine management zone, where sustainable societal benefits are optimized. Within the conservation concern and extreme conservation concern zones of abundance, management actions are increasingly directed towards promoting population recovery (e.g., by reducing harvest rates from HTR to HLR), and potential societal benefits are correspondingly reduced. Population abundance is measured relative to the asymptotic maximum abundance (see below).

Long Description for Figure A2.1

Figure A2.1 is titled “The elements of an abundance-based precautionary management framework. Three abundance thresholds (the limit reference point, LRP; the conservation concern threshold, CCT; and the target reference point, TRP) force mandatory changes in management actions that are intended to maintain a population within the routine management zone, where sustainable societal benefits are optimized. Within the conservation concern and extreme conservation concern zones of abundance, management actions are increasingly directed towards promoting population recovery (e.g., by reducing harvest rates from HTR to HLR), and potential societal benefits are correspondingly reduced. Population abundance is measured relative to the asymptotic maximum abundance (see below).” The x-axis is labelled as “Relative abundance” and ranges from 0.0 to 0.5. The y-axis is labelled as “Management action” and ranges from 0.0 to 0.6. The graph is divided by three vertical dashed lines: the limit reference point (LRP, at 0.15 on the x-axis), the conservation concern threshold (CCT, at 0.3 on the x-axis), and the target reference point (TRP, at 0.45 on the x-axis). These define the boundaries of three zones: to the left of the LRP is the extreme conservation concern zone; in-between the LRP and CCT is the conservation concern zone; and, to the right of the CCT is the routine management zone. On the bottom right corner of the graph (0.5, 0.0), the Harvest Limit Reference is labelled as HLR. A dashed line on the graph begins at coordinates (0.15, 0.0), extending with a positive linear slope to coordinates (0.3, 0.4) at which point the line extends horizontally to (0.5, 0.4); this point is labelled as HTR, the Harvest Target Reference.


The key abundance threshold is the “conservation concern threshold” (CCT on Figure A2.1). The CCT identifies an abundance level below which the ability of the population to provide sustainable benefits is reduced and the likelihood of long-term decline is increased. The conservation concern threshold is used as a precautionary threshold to force mandatory management actions (such as reductions in harvest rates or other anthropogenic sources of mortality) that are intended to arrest population declines and return populations to desired abundance levels quickly under average environmental conditions. The intensity of management actions increases as the difference between current abundance and the conservation concern threshold increases. For example, permitted fishing mortality rates would be decreased at lower population abundance (Figure A2.1). A population whose abundance is below the conservation concern threshold may still be capable of providing sustainable societal benefits such as fish harvest, but at a reduced level. Operationally, we define the conservation concern threshold to be the adult abundance at maximum sustainable yield, NMSY, below which a population is considered to be overfished. This usage conforms to the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, which considers a minimum management objective to be to “maintain or restore stocks at levels capable of producing maximum sustainable yield.”

The limit reference point (LRP on Figure 1) marks an abundance level below which the risk of non-recovery to the routine management zone within a predetermined time under average environmental conditions is deemed to be unacceptable. As abundance declines below the LRP, the long-term viability of the population and its ability to provide desired societal benefits in the future are increasingly threatened. For small populations, the risk of extinction will increase greatly at abundances below the LRP. The LRP is intended to force management actions to restore a depressed population before population viability is imperiled. Management actions could include extraordinary measures such as the elimination of all anthropogenic sources of mortality, the reduction of controllable sources of natural mortality, and measures to increase stock productivity. Operationally, we define the LRP for moderately productive salmonid populations such as WCT to be the abundance from which a population is expected to recover to the conservation concern threshold within 1–2 generations under average environmental conditions. Simulations of the dynamics of a well-studied steelhead population indicate that this definition will usually avoid extirpation for small stocks when combined with mortality reductions (Johnston et al. 2000). Because the rate of recovery of a depressed population depends on stock productivity, which is usually known imprecisely, it is desirable to define the LRP such that it remains effective despite this uncertainty.

Abundance levels above the conservation concern threshold define a “routine management zone” (Figure A2.1) where the risk of an irreversible decline in abundance is low and the population can be managed to optimize societal benefits. The target reference point (TRP in Figure A2.1) is the abundance level at which the chosen measure of societal benefit is maximized. The location of the TRP will vary with the management objectives for the stock and with the factors that are included in the metric of societal benefit that is to be maximized. Stakeholder consultations may help define the factors to be considered. For harvest fisheries, the TRP may be close to NMSY to maximize yields, whereas for catch and release fisheries the TRP may be close to the unfished equilibrium abundance to maximize expected catch rates. Specific analyses to determine the TRP may be required if economic criteria or other non-fishery measures of societal benefit are to be considered, but in no circumstances will the TRP be permitted to be below the conservation concern threshold.

Abundance thresholds and benchmarks for WCT
Defining management reference points for WCT and other species that may exist as numerous small, discrete populations is difficult because normally there is little or no quantitative abundance information available for a given population. In particular, there are few data on stock productivity, which determines the rate of recovery at low abundance. Even where reliable data exist, estimates of the parameters that are needed to establish reference points can be very imprecise. Establishing effective limit reference points is particularly important, however, because the small size of many populations increases their vulnerability to extirpation. Because of the data limitations, effective reference points that do not require stock productivity information are desirable. Our approach is to use a simple analytical method to determine limit reference points and conservation concern thresholds. The method is appropriate for demographically independent populations of territorial, stream-rearing salmonids whose stock-recruit relationships often approximate a Beverton-Holt model (Figure A2.2). Although there are other alternatives, this model is reasonable and gives thresholds that can be estimated from limited abundance data for unexploited populations. For a Beverton-Holt stock-recruit relationship, the CCT (defined to be NMSY) is:

CCT = NMSY = B · a-0.5 – B · a-1

(Johnston et al. 2002).

Figure A2.2. A Beverton-Holt stock-recruitment relationship (blue line): Recruits = a·Spawners / ( 1 + a·Spawners / B), where a is the stock productivity and B is the asymptotic maximum abundance. Stock productivity is the rate of population increase at very low abundance (diagonal dashed line, labelled “a”). The asymptotic maximum abundance, B, is the expected recruitment at very high spawner abundance; it is estimated from a time-series of spawner-recruit data. An unfished population will fluctuate about the equilibrium population size, Nequilibrium, which is always less than B for a Beverton-Holt model. The solid black line is the 1:1 line where recruits equal spawners. The difference between the 1:1 line and the stock-recruit relationship is the (potentially) harvestable surplus. NMSY is the spawner abundance which produces the largest harvestable surplus. In this example, a = 5, spawners and recruits are both given in units of B, NMSY = 0.247·B and Neq = 0.80·B.

Long Description for Figure A2.2

Figure A2.2 is titled “A Beverton-Holt stock-recruitment relationship (blue line): Recruits = a·Spawners / (1 + a·Spawners / B), where a is the stock productivity and B is the asymptotic maximum abundance. Stock productivity is the rate of population increase at very low abundance (diagonal dashed line, labelled “a”). The asymptotic maximum abundance, B, is the expected recruitment at very high spawner abundance; it is estimated from a time-series of spawner-recruit data. An unfished population will fluctuate about the equilibrium population size, Nequilibrium, which is always less than B for a Beverton-Holt model. The solid black line is the 1:1 line where recruits equal spawners. The difference between the 1:1 line and the stock-recruit relationship is the (potentially) harvestable surplus. NMSY is the spawner abundance which produces the largest harvestable surplus. In this example, a = 5, spawners and recruits are both given in units of B, NMSY = 0.247·B and Neq = 0.80·B.” The formula R = a·S / ( 1 + a·S / B ) is centered on top of the graph. The x axis is labelled as “Spawners” and ranges from 0.0 to 1.2. The y axis is labelled as “Recruiters” and ranges from 0.0 to 1.2. At 1.0 on the y-axis, a straight black dashed line labelled as “B” crosses the graph horizontally. Another black dashed line labelled as “a” begins at (0.0, 0.0) and extends with a positive linear slope to approximately (0.15, 0.75). A solid black diagonal line crosses the graph diagonally from (0.0, 0.0) to (1.2, 1.2). A solid blue line originating at (0.0, 0.0) curves upwards, crosses the solid diagonal black line at approximately (0.8, 0.75) (this blue point is labelled as Neq), and ends at approximately (1.2, 0.85). On the x-axis, a red point labelled NMSY is situated at approximately (0.25, 0.0). A vertical solid red line aligned with 0.25 on the y-axis connects the solid black diagonal line to the curved blue line.


Although the conservation concern threshold depends on stock productivity, it is a slowly varying function of stock productivity within the range typically seen for salmonids, and has an upper bound of 0.25·B (Figure A2.3). While we lack estimates of stock productivity for most populations of WCT, we can nevertheless define the conservation concern threshold as 0.25·B (we will later modify this value slightly to account for environmental variability). This value will be a very good approximation to the exact value over the range of stock productivity that is likely for small populations of salmonids (Figure A2.3, left panel) and it will provide significant protection to populations with very low stock productivity, which is a desirable outcome for small populations that are especially vulnerable to extirpation. If the conservation concern threshold is defined as a constant proportion of the asymptotic maximum abundance, the limit reference point for one-generation return can easily be determined. The LRP is:
LRP = B · CCT / a · (B – CCT).

The limit reference point depends strongly on stock productivity but is bounded by 0.13·B for recovery to NMSY within one generation (Figure A2.3, left panel). Recovery to 0.25·B requires a slightly higher limit reference point at very low stock productivity (Figure A2.3, left panel).

Figure A2.3. Abundance-based management thresholds may vary with stock productivity. The spawner abundance at maximum sustainable yield (NMSY, solid green line) for a Beverton-Holt type stock-recruitment relationship (left panel) is a slowly-varying function of stock productivity that approximates (and is bounded by) 0.25·B (CCT, dashed black line) where B is the asymptotic maximum recruitment. The spawner abundances from which a stock can recover to NMSY (solid red line) or to 0.25·B (dashed red line) within one generation define possible limit reference points (LRP). For a Ricker-type stock-recruitment relationship, NMSY varies more strongly with stock productivity and is a greater proportion of the asymptotic maximum abundance than NMSY for a Beverton-Holt SRR with the same stock productivity. Nequilibrium (blue line) is the equilibrium abundance about which an unfished population will fluctuate.

Long Description for Figure A2.3

Figure A2.3 is titled “Abundance-based management thresholds may vary with stock productivity. The spawner abundance at maximum sustainable yield (NMSY, solid green line) for a Beverton-Holt type stock-recruitment relationship (left panel) is a slowly-varying function of stock productivity that approximates (and is bounded by) 0.25·B (CCT, dashed black line) where B is the asymptotic maximum recruitment. The spawner abundances from which a stock can recover to NMSY (solid red line) or to 0.25·B (dashed red line) within one generation define possible limit reference points (LRP). For a Ricker-type stock-recruitment relationship, NMSY varies more strongly with stock productivity and is a greater proportion of the asymptotic maximum abundance than NMSY for a Beverton-Holt SRR with the same stock productivity. Nequilibrium (blue line) is the equilibrium abundance about which an unfished population will fluctuate.” Two graphs are depicted. The x axis of both graphs is titled “Stock productivity (recruits spawner-1),” and spans from 1 to 10. The y axis of both graphs is titled “Spawner abundance (B-1),” and spans from 0.0 to 0.6. On both graphs, at approximately 0.25 on the y-axis, a black dashed line labelled as CCT crosses the graph horizontally. The graph on the left is titled “Beverton-Holt SRR.” A solid red line labelled as LRPNMSY begins at approximately (1.0, 0.02) on this graph, curves upwards, then descends, ending at approximately (10, 0.02). A red dashed line labelled as LRP0.25 B begins at approximately (1.0, 0.32), curves downwards, and ends at approximately (10.0, 0.02). A solid blue line, labelled as Nequil begins at approximately (1.0, 0.03) and curves steeply upwards, ending at approximately (2.4, 0.58). A solid green line labelled as NMSY begins at approximately (1.0, 0.03), touches the conservation concern threshold, and then curves downward, ending at approximately (10.0, 0.03). The graph on the right is titled “Ricker SSR.” A solid red line labelled as LRPNMSY begins at approximately (1.0, 0.06) on this graph, curves upward, and ends at approximately (10.0, 0.02). A red dashed line labelled as LRP0.25 B begins at approximately (1.2, 0.56), curves downward, and ends at approximately (10.0, 0.05). A solid blue line, labelled as Nequil begins at approximately (1.0, 0.13), extends steeply upward, and ends at approximately (1.3, 0.55). A solid green line labelled as NMSY begins at approximately (1.0, 0.13), curves upward, and then curves downward, ending at approximately (10.0, 0.21).


In the absence of population-specific stock productivity information, defining management thresholds as fixed proportions of the asymptotic maximum abundance (e.g., LRP ≈ 0.13·B and CCT ≈ 0.25·B) is a justifiable approximation that will be operationally effective in many cases. There are two potential pitfalls inherent in this approach, however. The first is uncertainty about the “true” structural form of the stock-recruitment relationship. The management thresholds suggested for a Beverton-Holt type stock-recruitment relationship are apparently less effective for a Ricker model (Figure A2.3, right panel) or for a hockey-stick model (Johnston et al. 2002). The second pitfall is the fact that the asymptotic maximum abundance is not directly observable for a Beverton-Holt model; it is estimated from stock-recruitment analyses. Unexploited populations will fluctuate about their equilibrium abundances, which are considerably lower that the asymptotic maxima (Figure A2.2).

The potential management thresholds can be re-expressed as proportions of the observable equilibrium abundance (Figure A2.4). It is apparent that management thresholds for unproductive stocks must be large fractions of their equilibrium population sizes, e.g., CCT ≈ 0.4·Nequilibrium to 0.5·Nequilibrium and LRP ≈ 0.3·Nequilibrium to 0.4·Nequilibrium independent of the form of the stock-recruitment relationship. For moderately productive stocks, say a ≥ 3 recruits·spawner-1, CCT values should be roughly 0.35·Nequilibrium to 0.4·Nequilibrium and LRP ≈ 0.1·Nequilibrium to 0.2·Nequilibrium. In general, the effect of parameter uncertainty and environmental variability is to increase the required management thresholds, although this depends on the variance of the stochastic process error and the nature of the control rules applied between the conservation concern threshold and the limit reference point (Johnston et al. 2000); an example of the effectiveness of various LRP definitions in altering the risk of “extinction” is given in Figure A2.5. Unfortunately, we currently lack the demographic information to perform similar analyses for WCT. In the absence of stock productivity information, we propose that the conservation concern threshold should be assumed to be 0.4·Nequil and the limit reference point to be 0.2·Nequilibrium.

The equilibrium abundance from which population-specific management abundance thresholds can be established can be approximated as the average density measured for unexploited populations in undisturbed habitat or estimated from habitat capacity models. For a salmonid species whose life-history can be separated into a juvenile stage with density-dependent mortality and an older stage with density-independent mortality, the appropriate density for setting management thresholds must occur after the density-dependent stage, which is often the smolt stage. For WCT, the best current estimates of habitat capacity are likely the densities of catchable fish (i.e., those fish > 30 cm fork length) estimated from snorkel surveys on lightly fished populations (e.g., Oliver 1990) or on classified waters with mandatory catch and release regulations where fishing mortality may be low (e.g., Hagen and Baxter 2009). Data for the lower St. Mary River, a large and productive system, suggest an equilibrium abundance near 75 fish > 30 cm fork length per river km (Oliver 1990). Densities on other Classified Waters currently range from about 15 to 45 fish·km-1 (Hagen and Baxter 2009); however, it is not clear whether these values can be considered as estimates of the equilibrium densities of the various populations.

Figure A2.4. Management thresholds expressed in terms of the equilibrium abundance, Nequilibrium, for Beverton-Holt (left panel) and Ricker (right panel) stock-recruitment relationships. NMSY is the spawner abundance at maximum sustainable yield, CCT0.25B is 0.25 of the asymptotic maximum abundance, LRPNmsy is the abundance from which a population can recover to NMSY within one generation under average conditions, and LRP0.25B is the abundance from which a population can recover to 0.25 of the asymptotic maximum abundance within one generation under average conditions.

Long Description for Figure A2.4

Figure A2.4 is titled “Management thresholds expressed in terms of the equilibrium abundance, Nequilibrium, for Beverton-Holt (left panel) and Ricker (right panel) stock-recruitment relationships. NMSY is the spawner abundance at maximum sustainable yield, CCT0.25B is 0.25 of the asymptotic maximum abundance, LRPNMSY is the abundance from which a population can recover to NMSY within one generation under average conditions, and LRP0.25B is the abundance from which a population can recover to 0.25 of the asymptotic maximum abundance within one generation under average conditions.”Two graphs are depicted. The x-axis on both graphs is titled “Stock productivity (recruits spawner-1),” and spans from 1 to 10. The y-axis on both graphs is titled “Spawner abundance (N equil-1),” and spans from 0.0 to 0.6. . On both graphs, at 0.4 on the y-axis, a black dashed line crosses the graph horizontally. The graph on the left is titled “Beverton-Holt SRR.” A solid red line labelled LRPNMSY begins at approximately (1.0, 0.5) and curves downward, ending at approximately (10.0, 0.03). A red dashed line labelled as LRP0.25 B begins at approximately (1.6, 0.56) and curves downward, ending at approximately (10.0, 0.03). A green solid line labelled as CCT0.25B begins at approximately (1.8, 0.57) and curves downward, ending at approximately (10.0, 0.28). A blue solid line labelled NMSY begins at approximately (1.0, 0.5) and curves downward, ending at approximately (10.0, 0.24). The graph on the right is titled “Ricker SRR.” A solid red line labelled LRPNMSY begins at approximately (1.0, 0.5) on this graph and curves downward, ending at approximately (10.0, 0.03). A red dashed line labelled as LRP0.25 B begins at approximately (1.2, 0.56) and curves downward, ending at approximately (10.0, 0.03). A green solid line labelled as CCT0.25B begins at approximately (1.2, 0.46), curves downward, and then upward, ending at approximately (10.0, 0.4). A blue solid line labelled as NMSY begins at approximately (1.0, 0.5) and curves downward, ending at approximately (10.0, 0.34).


Figure A2.5. The probability of quasi-extinction (N < 10 adults averaged over a generation) of low-productivity stocks under an abundance-based management framework with a constant exploitation rate of 0.1 in the routine management zone that declines linearly to zero between a conservation concern threshold at 0.4·Nequilibrium and a limit reference point as indicated. The simulation incorporates realistic levels of temporally autocorrelated process error and implementation error. The example is for populations with an equilibrium abundance of 1000 adult fish and is based on the demographics of the Keogh River steelhead stock; see Johnston et al. (2000) for details. The simulations suggests that small, very unproductive stocks in variable environments with runs of good and poor survival have a high risk of extinction but that limit reference points in the range of 0.1·Nequilibrium to 0.2·Nequilibrium give results that approach that of an unexploited population. Moderately productive populations (stock productivity > 2.5 recruits per spawner) have a low extinction risk under any management framework that enforces a conservation concern threshold and a limit reference point, although at a cost in terms of access to the fishery. The simulation results allow policy comparisons but the estimated extinction risks should not be considered to be accurate.

Long Description for Figure A2.5

Figure A2.5 is titled “The probability of quasi-extinction (N < 10 adults averaged over a generation) of low-productivity stocks under an abundance-based management framework with a constant exploitation rate of 0.1 in the routine management zone that declines linearly to zero between a conservation concern threshold at 0.4·Nequilibrium and a limit reference point as indicated. The simulation incorporates realistic levels of temporally autocorrelated process error and implementation error. The example is for populations with an equilibrium abundance of 1000 adult fish and is based on the demographics of the Keogh River steelhead stock; see Johnston et al. (2000) for details. The simulations suggests that small, very unproductive stocks in variable environments with runs of good and poor survival have a high risk of extinction but that limit reference points in the range of 0.1·Nequilibrium to 0.2·Nequilibrium give results that approach that of an unexploited population. Moderately productive populations (stock productivity > 2.5 recruits per spawner) have a low extinction risk under any management framework that enforces a conservation concern threshold and a limit reference point, although at a cost in terms of access to the fishery. The simulation results allow policy comparisons but the estimated extinction risks should not be considered to be accurate.” The graph is titled “Beverton-Holt SSR.”The x-axis is titled “Stock productivity (recruits·spawner-1),” and ranges from 1 to 4. The y-axis is titled “Extinction probability” and ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. Seven different scenarios are graphed: Unfished (solid black line), no LRP (solid red line), LRP = 0.10 Nequil (blue dashed line), LRP = 0.15 Nequil (solid green line), LRP = 0.20 Nequil (purple dashed line), LRP = 0.25 Nequil (solid purple line), and LRP = CCT (red dashed line). All lines generally begin at the top left corner of the graph (between ~0.5 and 0.75 on the y-axis) and curve downward to the bottom of the graph (between ~2.4 and 3.0 on the x-axis).


Appendix 3. Defining population groups

The U.S. Endangered Species Act provides for the very formally described Evolutionarily Significant Units, whereas COSEWIC, designated under SARA to assess wildlife conservation status, defines Designatable Units (DUs). Two WCT DUs were defined, coinciding with the two provincial jurisdictions in which the species occurs in Canada, namely Alberta and B.C.

Steelhead Trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) in B.C. are managed as discrete, reproductively-isolated populations (or stocks) at the scale of third-order or larger watersheds (Johnston et al. 2002; Parkinson et al. 2005). Populations at this spatial scale appear to be sufficiently isolated, based on genetic data and related assumptions, to have independent population dynamics. Johnston et al. (2002) propose the watershed-scale level as the appropriate one to describe “stocks” or “stock aggregates” to which operational objectives for management should be applied. Furthermore, they support finer-scale management where appropriate to conserve specific ecotypes. They recognize however, that this may prove not practical because of the lack of information and resources available to manage individual stocks.


This section describes the rationale for using genetic structure and drainages to define Population Groups:

1. Genetic structure (summarized from Costello 2008)

Molecular genetic data are widely accepted as one descriptor of within-species diversity; namely, this data provides an estimate as to what degree reproductive isolation occurs. The more isolated populations are, the greater the likelihood for locally adaptive traits to evolve independently from other populations.

Taylor et al. (2003) noted that an unusually high degree of genetic variance based on microsatellite analysis was attributed to differences among populations (32%), emphasizing the need to consider “management units” at fairly small geographic scales (compare with anadromous salmonid populations where this variation is typically < 10%). This degree of differentiation suggests significant contemporary population structure with fairly limited gene flow even at localized levels. Limited gene flow means that populations cannot rely on regular immigration for recolonization or to bolster numbers. Furthermore, many isolated populations have very little genetic variation reflecting small population sizes and no gene flow with other populations (e.g., Taylor et al. 2003). For example, B.C. populations above migratory barriers tend to have significantly fewer alleles per microsatellite locus compared to those below barriers (Taylor et al. 2003). Low variation within populations does not necessarily suggest inbreeding; however, it does emphasize the need to maintain many populations to ensure adequate conservation of genetic diversity across the species. Furthermore, these isolated populations frequently express high frequencies of alleles rare or non-existent elsewhere again emphasizing to need to maintain as many populations as possible across the landscape (Taylor et al. 2003). Overall, these results indicate that populations tend to cluster geographically and are associated with watersheds, with outliers being highly isolated headwater populations. Significant divergence among populations even where genetic exchange is possible suggests strong demographic independence and a need to manage at a local population level, despite extensive movements often observed (Taylor et al. 2003).

Three main population clusters were apparent from these genetic analyses: (1) mainstem and tributary populations in the upper Kootenay River; (2) mainstem and tributary populations in the Elk River; (3) mainstem and tributary populations from upper Fording River (above the barrier). In addition, a heterogeneous set of above barrier headwater populations from locations west of the confluence of Kootenay and Columbia rivers did not cluster with any of the other groups suggesting much greater isolation and higher potential for divergence associated with these isolated habitats. However, significant variation among populations lacking any obvious barriers suggests significant isolation even among adjacent populations (Taylor et al. 2003).

2. Major drainages

Hierarchical structure as reflected by drainage organization is considered an appropriate way to classify freshwater systems according to key spatial and temporal processes (see Ciruna et al. 2007 and references therein). B.C. has adopted such a freshwater classification framework to describe systems at three spatial scales; Freshwater Ecoregions (of which there are 5), Ecological Drainage Units (EDUs, of which there are 36) and finally at the most detailed level River and Lake Ecosystem Types. We roughly followed the second tier of this classification framework to identify major drainages within the native range for WCT. These EDUs are intended to capture both historic (i.e., zoogeography) and contemporary (i.e., physiographic and hydrologic) processes influencing species distribution (Ciruna et al. 2007). The original EDUs include Upper Columbia, Columbia-Arrow Lakes, Upper Kootenay, Lower Kootenay, Kettle, Flathead and Thompson; all of which reflect different zoogeographic, physiographic and hydrologic traits (Ciruna et al. 2007). Parkinson et al. (2005) also considered major drainages in considering hierarchical organization of diversity for steelhead, rationalizing that populations evolving in a similar geographic regions likely share adaptive traits.

Six major drainage basins fall within WCT native range in B.C. including the Upper Kootenay (above the original location of Kootenai Falls below Kookanusa Reservoir), Elk (including tributaries above Elko Dam), West Kootenay (Kootenay Lake and downstream), Columbia (including Arrow Lakes, Pend d’Oreille), Kettle and South Thompson.

Population groups

In combining the identified six watershed units and three genetic groupings, seven Population Groups were defined (Table A3.1). Given that Upper Fording genetic group occurred above a natural barrier, it will be treated as other “headwater” isolated populations but it is included in the Elk Population Group. Headwater populations will be treated as “special cases” within their Population Group, given their highly isolated, vulnerable nature.

Long Description for Table A3.1

Table A3.1 is titled “Defined Population Groups based on genetic data and delineated major drainages within native WCT range.” The table is read horizontally from left to right, and consists of four columns and nine rows. The top row contains the column headings: Drainages, Additional genetic groups within drainages, Population Group, and Range status.

Table A3.1. Defined Population Groups based on genetic data and delineated major drainages within native WCT range
Drainages Additional genetic groups within drainages Population Group Range status
Elk Elk River and tributaries Elk Core
Elk Upper Fording River and associated tributaries (above barrier) Elk Core
Flathead N/A (not well represented) Flathead Core
Upper Kootenay Mainstem Upper Kootenay and tributaries Upper Kootenay Core
West Kootenay N/A (not well represented) West Kootenay Core/Peripheral
Columbia N/A (not well represented) Columbia Peripheral
Kettle Above barrier set Kettle Peripheral
South Thompson Above barrier set South Thompson Peripheral

Appendix 4. Introgression

Hybridization with non-native trout species leading to introgression and hybrid swarms is persistently identified as one of the greatest threats to WCT throughout its North American range. In fact, it is estimated that non-hybridized populations of WCT now persist in less than 10% of their historic range, and those are frequently restricted to isolated headwater systems highly vulnerable to extinction associated with stochastic events (Trotter 2008).

A total of 114 sites (some including lower, upper, and in some cases middle sections of the same river) representing 88 waterbodies (both streams and lakes) were assessed for hybrid presence (see Table A4.2). As it is very difficult to differentiate between very low levels of hybridization and polymorphisms within the species (i.e., < 1% admixture) (Allendorf et al. 2001), any populations with WCT genotypes representing 99% or more of the population are considered pure WCT.

Several studies considered patterns of hybridization spread and potential mechanisms that facilitate or limit spread in B.C. WCT populations (Hitt et al. 2003; Rubidge and Taylor 2005; Boyer et al. 2008; Bennett and Kershner 2009). Key conclusions from these studies include:

  1. Backcrosses (i.e., beyond F1 hybrids) are the most common form of hybrid in the B.C. populations studied, indicating an ongoing ability to interbreed among the various hybrid and pure forms.
  2. Some populations are approaching hybrid swarm status where no pure WCT genotypes remain.
  3. Admixture with Rainbow Trout decreases with upstream distance from Rainbow Trout source or hybrid swarm.
  4. Populations above migration barriers contain fewer hybrids than below barriers.
  5. The role of environmental factors in limiting the spread of hybridization may not be as important as demographic factors.
  6. Hybrids appear to facilitate further spread of Rainbow Trout genes to neighbouring populations via increased straying rates compared to pure WCT.
  7. Much of the core B.C. range is not the stronghold for remaining pure WCT populations we had thought it to be.
  8. Although all B.C. stocking of Rainbow Trout into native WCT range is now conducted using sterile fish which will prevent further hybridization at new locations, introgressed populations can persist indefinitely (although can be diluted through time), making the protection of non-introgressed populations the highest priority.

In summary, these studies indicate that two main Population Groups are seriously compromised by non-native Rainbow Trout introgression. Some pure WCT populations still exist in these groups but these populations tend to be located in upstream portions of tributaries. The Flathead River appears to be the only group with no hybridization present, at least in the Canadian portion of the river. Survey work has been too limited to draw conclusions about the status of peripheral Population Groups. WCT appear to be naturally limited to tributaries while native Rainbow Trout tend to dominate downstream mainstems in these areas suggesting natural reproductive isolation has prevented extensive introgression here.

Long Description for Table A4.2

Table A4.2 is titled “Percent of populations considered to be pure WCT based on genotypic data by Population Group. Note that in some cases, the approximate location within the stream was reported by researchers (L = lower, M = Mid, U = upper), otherwise location was reported as “unknown.” (WCT = Westslope Cutthrout Trout, RBT=Rainbow Trout).” The table is read horizontally from left to right, and consists of seven columns and 24 rows. The top row contains the column headings: Population Group, Location in stream, >98% WCT, 95-98% WCT, <95% WCT, Pure RBT, and % Pure WCT populations. A grey sub-total row is located beneath each population group, and a grand total row is found at the very bottom.

Table A4.2. Percent of populations considered to be pure WCT based on genotypic data by Population Group. Note that in some cases, the approximate location within the stream was reported by researchers (L = lower, M = Mid, U = upper), otherwise location was reported as “unknown.” (WCT = Westslope Cutthrout Trout, RBT=Rainbow Trout)
Population Group Location in stream >98% WCT 95 –98% WCT <95% WCT Pure RBT % Pure WCT populations
Elk L 1 2 5 0 12.5
  M 1 0 1 0 50.0
  U 3 0 2 0 60.0
  unknown 2 0 0 0 100.0
Elk Total (11 waterbodies)   7 2 8 0 41.2
Flathead L 1 0 0 0 100.0
  U 2 0 0 0 100.0
  unknown 11 0 0 0 100.0
Flathead Total (8 waterbodies)   14 0 0 0 100.0
Upper Kootenay L 3 1 13 0 17.7
  M 3 0 4 0 42.9
  U 5 1 2 0 62.5
  unknown 12 4 2 0 66.7
Upper Kootenay Total
(45 waterbodies)
  23 6 21 0 48.0
West Kootenay Total
(3 waterbodies)
  3 0 0 0 100.0
Columbia L 2 0 0 0 100.0
  M 1 0 0 0 100.0
  U 2 0 0 0 100.0
  unknown 16 1 2 3 72.7
Columbia Total (18 waterbodies)   21 1 2 3 77.8
Kettle Total (2 waterbodies)   1 0 1 0 50.0
South Thompson Total
(1 waterbody)
  1 0 0 0 100.0
Grand total (88 waterbodies)   70 9 32 2 61.4

Appendix 5. Abundance

Information on population abundance is extremely limited for WCT in B.C. Some short-term monitoring has been undertaken in the East Kootenays to estimate abundance in some high priority streams.

Snorkel surveys have been conducted at a number of index sites for several popular WCT streams to estimate abundance and densities. Snorkel surveys appear to be fairly efficient (i.e., snorkelers are able to observe most fish) for adult and sub adult WCT (reviewed in Hagen and Baxter 2009). Table A5.1 summarizes abundance estimates and trends for WCT rivers for which surveys have been conducted.

Long Description for Table A5.1

Table A5.1 is titled “Summary of abundance and density estimates for WCT in a small set of streams from the Elk and Upper Kootenay Population Groups.” The table is read horizontally from left to right, and consists of three columns and 12 rows. The top row contains the column headings: System, Abundance (sub-divided into: Year, Estimate, and Fish/km), and Conclusion. Footnotes found throughout the table further explanation with respect to references cited.

Table A5.1. Summary of abundance and density estimates for WCT in a small set of streams from the Elk and Upper Kootenay Population Groups.
System Abundance Conclusion
Year Estimate Fish/km
Wigwam Rivera, b - between Desolation and Lodgepole creeks - 42.1 km length 2008 > 300 mm = 701
> 400 mm = 189
Shift in densities upstream over time, but overall abundance appears to be fairly stable, 2008 estimate for large fish was higher than for 2001 or 2002 upstream of Bighorn Creek; 2008 estimate for large fish was lower than for 2001 or 2002 downstream of Bighorn Creek
2002 > 300 mm = 341
> 400 mm = 95
2001 > 300 mm = 295
> 400 mm = 64
Michel Creeka - three sections surveyed (upper, middle, and lower) - total length is 36.7 km 2008 > 300 mm = 1704
> 400 mm = 611
A highly productive population with a large proportion of very large fish
Lower St. Mary Rivera - 54.1 km 2008 > 300 mm = 2360 44 Recovery from low abundance in late 1980s/early 1990s evident but highest density was in 1982 suggesting carrying capacity is greater than what is currently observed. Note also a clear reduction in fork length from a mean of 342 mm in 1981 to 271 mm in 1989 was observedc
1994 > 300 mm = 1731 32
1990 > 300 mm = 920 17
1989 > 300 mm = 1082 20
1984 > 300 mm = 2435 45
1982 > 300 mm = 4166 77
Upper St. Mary Rivere
3.9 km (Mud Hole Rd. to Meachen Bridge)
2010 > 300 mm = 493 17  
Upper St. Mary Rivera, e - 2.8 (km 43.5 to Pyramid Cr.) 2010
> 300 mm = 493
> 300 mm = 49
> 400 mm = 10
Fairly limited in extent of coverage
Elk Rivera - 4.9 km 2008 > 300 mm = 192*
> 400 mm = 108*
Feasibility study only but observed 192 trout > 300 mm, over half of which were > 40 mm; *note that these are unadjusted counts
Upper Bull River - between Van Creek and Aberfeldie headpondc – 11 km 2006 > 300 mm = 538
> 400 mm = ?
WCT are widely distributed except for first km up stream/s of headpond, with densities similar to those viewed elsewhere in river
Upper Bull Riverd - between Sulphur Creek and Van Creek - 17.5 km Year? > 300 mm = 860
> 400 mm = ?
Included both a catch and release section and an adjacent harvest section;
White River (N. Fork)e
Goat Camp to Colin Cr. - 2.7 km
2010 > 300 mm = 260 10.2  
White River (N. Fork)e - Nilksuka upstream - 2.3 km 2010 See above 6.5  

From aHagen and Baxter 2009, bBaxter and Hagen 2003, cBaxter 2006, dBaxter 2004, eK. Heidt, pers. comm., 2011.

Densities vary with stream with the upper St. Mary and Wigwam rivers clearly less productive than Michel Creek and lower St. Mary River. Wigwam’s unexpanded estimate suggests densities that are even higher than the other streams surveyed (Hagen and Baxter 2009).

Catch per unit effort data (CPUE) can also provide an index of fish abundance. A recent radio-tagging study in the lower Elk River indicated that CPUE values for fish 350 mm long or greater were considerably larger in the lower Elk River (Elko Dam to Sparwood, catch and release and harvest sections combined = 2.36 fish per hour) compared to the upper Elk River (Sparwood to lower Elk Lake, catch and release and harvest sections combined = 0.97 fish per hour) (Westslope Fisheries Ltd. 2003).

With respect to headwater fluvial populations, a modeling exercise considered population responses to carrying capacity of habitat in terms of likelihood of extinction (Hilderbrand 2003). Results indicated that likelihood of extinction declined significantly as carrying capacity increased, even if these increases were very modest. This reflects a general negative relationship between extinction rate and population size. The conclusion was that we should maintain as large a population size as possible for small isolated populations and maintain supporting habitat. Big gains can be made through habitat length increase (and removing non-native species) and habitat quality. Furthermore, this study noted that immigration to small isolated systems can reduce extinction risk without risk to source population. Thus we should maintain natural connectivity between core populations as peripheral populations. However, this benefit decreases as population dynamics between large migratory and small isolated populations become increasingly synchronized.

Appendix 6. Angling mortality

During snorkel survey studies in 2008 (Hagen and Baxter 2009) hooking injury was documented. Only Wigwam and Michel systems could be adequately assessed due to visibility limitations in other systems. In both systems, the proportion of fish with injuries increased significantly with size as follows: 0–54% for fish < 200 mm long, 5–76% for fish 200–300 mm long, 15–92% for fish 300–400 mm long to 26–94% for fish > 400 mm long. Michel Creek in general had higher frequencies of injuries for all size groups, likely owing to its small stream size and vulnerability of fish.

Given that hooking mortality is typically 3–5%, cumulative hooking mortality over an entire season may be significantly more. This is a particular concern for a species like WCT, which may be caught multiple times in one season.

A radio-tagging study that tracked adults for 2 years in the Elk River estimated rates of mortality associated with various sources as follows: 12.5% (spawning), 5% (avian), and (17.5%) angler harvest (Westslope Fisheries Ltd. 2003).

Appendix 7. Riparian habitat buffers

Forestry-related issues

Oliver (2009) considered the impact of forestry-related activities to WCT habitat and found that in an evaluation of 50 watersheds within the Upper Kootenay and Columbia Population Groups, only 5 exceeded sensitivity guidelines and greatest sensitivities were in smaller basins. Higher hazard ratings for surface erosion and mass wasting were consistent for basins with equivalent clearcut area greater than 10%. It is uncertain how representative this small portion of streams is for WCT in B.C. Forestry practices have generally improved dramatically over the past 30 years, and current practices under the B.C. Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA, implemented in 2004) are intended to provide adequate riparian habitat buffer zones for fish-containing streams. Palliser Creek is currently the only stream within the range of WCT identified as a Fisheries-Sensitive Stream under FRPA to which more stringent management guidelines are applied to protect fisheries values. Section 7.3.4, Habitat Access (also see Appendix 10) discusses road crossings more specifically.

Agriculture-related issues

Of the 52 Crown range units identified in the Southern Rocky Mountain Trench and Elk Valley, 22 are considered active and 8 may be of particular concern to WCT due to cattle access to streams (Oliver 2009). Sensitivity is greatest where streams are small.

Mining-related issues

There are a few examples within the range of WCT of where rock drains have permanently eliminated fish habitat and passage (e.g., Line and Kilmarnock creeks), and temporary diversions may also affect fish passage (Oliver 2009). Numerous off-channel areas and wetlands have been compromised or eliminated in the Elk Valley by tailings and settling ponds (Oliver 2009). The extent to which this has compromised riparian habitat within WCT range has not been calculated; impacts are likely only significant for a limited number of streams.

Urban development issues

Impacts to riparian habitats have probably best been described for Cranbrook where the WCT stream, Joseph Creek, flows through the city. Altered surface run-off patterns associated with paved surfaces and storm sewer inputs have resulted in elevated sediment loads entering the stream at certain high water times (Oliver 2009). This issue is undoubtedly repeated in all communities within the WCT range (i.e., Kimberley, Fairmont, Golden, Revelstoke, Castelgar, Invermere, and Trail) but is probably greatest where receiving waters involve relatively small streams rather than large mainstems (like the Columbia and Elk rivers) were impacts are diluted (Oliver 2009).

Roads and transportation line issues

Probably the greatest concern is related to the number of highway and railway crossings on smaller WCT streams, affecting passage to other habitats (Oliver 2009). The actual impact associated with riparian habitat is probably very localized and associated more with construction.

Appendix 8. Natural flow conditions

Almost all of the native WCT range in B.C. falls within the Southern Interior Mountains Ecoprovince, a region characterized by two distinct climate regimes: one occurs in the mountainous areas and the other in the Southern Rocky Mountain Trench. The Trench is naturally flow-sensitive, and a recent analysis indicated that unit run-off was generally low in all ecosections within the ecoprovince but very low (i.e., dry) within the East Kootenay Trench, as well as the McGillivary Range (Ptolemy 2010). These two ecosections contain two tributaries with known fish-flow conflicts, Wolfe and Joseph creeks. In particular, it is estimated that adult trout upstream passage and spawning flows of near 124% mad (mean annual discharge) are required for days to weeks during May-June on small streams such as Joseph Creek (Ptolemy 2010). Spring flows in 1977 averaged 136 L•s-1 or 8.5% mad with resultant spawning failures. Failures also likely occurred in 1992 and 2001 (Oliver 2003).

Appendix 9. Site fidelity

WCT in the Elk River demonstrate site fidelity to both summer feeding areas and spawning locations, not only at the population level (i.e., using genetic data) but also at the individual fish level as demonstrated by a 2-year radio-tagging study (Westslope Fisheries Ltd. 2003). In fact, 25% of the tagged adults migrated to the same site in 2 consecutive years. The average length of stream used by WCT in this study to winter and spawn was 11.2 km, and ranged from 1.8 to 35.9 km. Furthermore, fish in the upper portion of the Elk River used twice as much river habitat over the course of a year than those in the lower river, undoubtedly reflecting availability of suitable habitat particularly ice-free habitats for overwintering (Westslope Fisheries Ltd. 2003).

This fidelity is clearly expressed in the significant genetic population structure evident among B.C. populations where a considerable amount of genetic variation is attributed to differences among populations (i.e., 32% of total variation; Taylor et al. 2003). Although WCT may range considerably throughout a year using various habitats to feed, rear, spawn, and overwinter; local population structure indicates that homing in this species is very strong. From a conservation perspective, these results indicate that a breadth of habitats and migratory corridors must be maintained for this species.

Appendix 10. Stream crossings

Table A10.1. The estimated number of crossings associated with forestry roads in seven WCT Management Group areas that have been assessed as being a problem for fish passage.

A total of 69,131 crossings associated with forestry roads in seven WCT Management Group areas were estimated based on a modeling exercise, of which about two-thirds (42,483) of these are modelled to be on fish habitat (C. Mount, pers. comm., 2011). A total of 2017 (< 5%) of these crossings have been assessed for fish passage problems. Of that subset, roughly half are Closed Bottom Structures (CBS). Data provided by C. Mount. Assessed systems are all assumed to be fish habitat.

Long Description for Table A10.1

Table A10.1 is titled “The estimated number of crossings associated with forestry roads in seven WCT Management Group areas that have been assessed as being a problem for fish passage.” The table is read horizontally from left to right, and consists of three columns and 46 rows. The top row contains the column headings: WCT Population Group, Crossing Type, Crossing Subtype, Assessed (sub-divided into: n Total, n Barrier, n Potential Barrier, Pct Barrier, Pct Barrier or Potential Barrier), and Modelled (sub-divided into: n Crossings (Fish Habitat), and n Crossings (non Fish Habitat). A grey sub-total row is located beneath each population group, and two yellow grand total rows are found at the very bottom. A footnote at the bottom of the table offers further explanation with respect to acronyms used.


Table A10.1. The estimated number of crossings associated with forestry roads in seven WCT Management Group areas that have been assessed as being a problem for fish passage.
      Assessed Modelled
WCT Management Group Crossing Type Crossing Subtype n Total n Barrier n Potential Barrier Pct Barrier Pct Barrier or Potential Barrier n Crossings (Fish Habitat) n Crossings (non Fish Habitat)
Columbia CBS OVAL CULVERT 2 2 - 100% 100% - -
Columbia CBS ROUND CULVERT 233 108 11 46% 51% - -
Columbia NCS - 57 - - 0% 0% - -
Columbia NCS FORD 7 - - 0% 0% - -
Columbia OBS - 8 - - 0% 0% - -
Columbia OBS BRIDGE 82 - - 0% 0% - -
Columbia OBS PIPE ARCH 3 1 - 33% 33% - -
Columbia OBS WOOD BOX CULVERT 24 - - 0% 0% - -
Columbia OTHER - 6 - - 0% 0% - -
Columbia Sub Total (all) all all 422 111 11 26% 29% 12,416 10,243
Columbia Sub Total (CBS only) CBS all CBS 235 110 11 47% 51% - -
Kettle CBS OTHER 2 1 - 50% 50% - -
Kettle CBS ROUND CULVERT 174 62 32 36% 54% - -
Kettle NCS - 34 - - 0% 0% - -
Kettle NCS FORD 11 - - 0% 0% - -
Kettle OBS BRIDGE 4 - - 0% 0% - -
Kettle OBS PIPE ARCH 7 3 - 43% 43% - -
Kettle OBS WOOD BOX CULVERT 5 - - 0% 0% - -
Kettle Sub Total (all) all all 237 66 32 28% 41% 9,018 2,126
Kettle Sub Total (CBS only) CBS all CBS 176 63 32 36% 54% - -
South Thompson CBS ROUND CULVERT 344 147 23 43% 49% - -
South Thompson NCS - 105 - - 0% 0% - -
South Thompson NCS FORD 2 - - 0% 0% - -
South Thompson OBS BRIDGE 105 - - 0% 0% - -
South Thompson OBS PIPE ARCH 4 - - 0% 0% - -
South Thompson OBS WOOD BOX CULVERT 1 - - 0% 0% - -
South Thompson OTHER - 115 - - 0% 0% - -
South Thompson Sub Total (all) all all 676 147 23 22% 25% 4,447 2,636
South Thompson (CBS only) CBS all CBS 344 147 23 43% 49% - -
Upper Kootenay CBS ROUND CULVERT 101 71 11 70% 81% - -
Upper Kootenay NCS - 85 - - 0% 0% - -
Upper Kootenay NCS FORD 62 - - 0% 0% - -
Upper Kootenay OBS BRIDGE 7 - - 0% 0% - -
Upper Kootenay OBS WOOD BOX CULVERT 8 2 2 25% 50% - -
Upper Kootenay OTHER - 7 1 1 14% 29% - -
Upper Kootenay Sub Total (all) all all 270 74 14 27% 33% 9,350 4,295
Upper Kootenay Sub Total (CBS only) CBS all CBS 101 74 11 73% 84% - -
West Kootenay CBS ROUND CULVERT 151 96 6 64% 68% - -
West Kootenay NCS - 124 - - 0% 0% - -
West Kootenay NCS FORD 9 - - 0% 0% - -
West Kootenay OBS BRIDGE 97 - - 0% 0% - -
West Kootenay OBS PIPE ARCH 1 - - 0% 0% - -
West Kootenay OBS WOOD BOX CULVERT 22 - - 0% 0% - -
West Kootenay OTHER - 8 1 - 13% 13% - -
West Kootenay Sub Total (all) all all 412 97 6 24% 25% 4,083 5,499
West Kootenay Sub Total (CBS only) CBS all CBS 151 96 6 64% 68% - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Elk Sub Total (all) all all 0 - - - - 2251 1536
Elk Sub Total (CBS only) CBS all CBS 0 - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Flathead Sub Total (all) all all 0 - - - - 918 313
Flathead Sub Total (CBS only) CBS all CBS 0 - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL (all assesments) all all 2017 495 86 25% 29% 42,483 26,648
TOTAL (CBS only) CBS all CBS 1007 490 83 49% 57% - -

Crossing Type: CBS = closed bottom structure; NCS = no crossing structure (a ford crossing); OBS = open bottom structure

Appendix 11. Fishing quality

Table A11.1 summarizes the status of angler use on the seven Classified Waters and comes directly from Tepper (2008a). It summarizes data collected from River Guardians Program from Elk in 2002, St. Mary in 2003, and all seven rivers in 2004–2008.

Long Description for Table A11.1

Table 11.1 is titled “Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and fishing quality comments for several Quality Waters systems.” The table is read horizontally from left to right, and consists of three columns and nine rows. The top row contains the column headings: River, CPUE, and Comment on quality.

Table A11.1. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and fishing quality comments for several Quality Waters systems
River CPUE Comment on quality
Upper Kootenay N/A High – based on limited information
White 1.0 (2007)
0.8 (2008)
Good to excellent but based on low interview numbers, light angler use but may be increasing
Skookumchuck 0.9–1.9 (2004–2008), no trend Quality improving, slightly crowded, assuming guides reporting properly, non-guided non-resident anglers over target allocation of 180 angler days by 27%
St. Mary 0.8–1.8 (2003–2007), lower recently Quality improved to 2006, dropped slightly in 2007 and 2008, but still considered high to excellent; CPUE lower in 2007 and 2008 compared to previous years; non-resident (guided and non-guided) considered well below target allocation of 2750 angler days, considered not crowded
Bull 0.9–1.5 (2004–2008), no trend Quality improving and considered high, crowding may be increasing, non-resident (guided and non-guided) considered well below target allocation of 1100 angler days
Elk 0.9–1.5 (2002–2008), no trend Quality improved until 2007 and 2008 when a slight drop was noted, possibly due to more crowding but still considered high to excellent, non-resident and non-resident, non-guided anglers over target allocation of 3540 angler days by 57%
Michel (tributary of Elk not separately classified) 1.2–2.0 (2004–2008), no trend Quality improved and considered high to excellent, crowding may be increasing (particularly as perceived by local resident anglers)
Wigwam 0.8–1.4 (2004–2008), trending downward Quality was improving until 2007 and 2008 but still considered high to excellent; CPUE lower in 2007 and 2008 compared to previous years, non-resident non-guided angler days exceeded target allocation of 180 angler days by 444% in 2006, crowding may be increasing with “very crowded” considered by local residents, guides, and non-residents

Appendix 12. Fish stocking

Threat associated with fish stocking

Several observed or potential impacts to WCT are associated with the long history of fish stocking in B.C. The three greatest impacts are:

  1. Hybridization leading to introgression - WCT interbreed with non-native closely related trout species like Rainbow Trout, resulting in fertile hybrids that continue to back cross with WCT, Rainbow Trout, or other hybrids. WCT are particularly susceptible to this where they have evolved in isolation of other closely related species and have not therefore evolved reproductive isolation mechanisms (i.e., upstream of Kootenai Falls). The result if allowed to continue is a hybrid swarm where neither parental genotype remains within the population. Hybrids and backcrossed individuals may be intermediate in phenotype and adaptive abilities. They have also been shown to stray more. The result from an ecological perspective is a loss of local population structure and local adaptive traits. These traits may be precisely why WCT have continued to persist for thousands of years in conditions considered too harsh for many other freshwater fish species. Clearly this is a major threat to populations in the core native range in B.C., and has also been identified as one of the leading causes for the precipitous declines in pure WCT populations in Montana and Alberta.
  2. Competition and displacement - Species like Rainbow Trout and Eastern Brook Trout are more productive (i.e., reproduce at an earlier age, produce more offspring) than native WCT, and tend to be more resilient to fishing pressure. Furthermore, these salmonids may fare better in degraded conditions (increased water temperatures, increased siltation) to which WCT are more sensitive, and may have a competitive advantage as they emerge earlier as fry (summarized in Costello 2008). This combination of factors may explain the predominance of Eastern Brook Trout in Joseph Creek (Oliver 2009).
  3. Outbreeding depression - Although this threat has not been evaluated for WCT in B.C. or elsewhere, it is worth considering. Hatchery-origin WCT have been released in watersheds of southeastern B.C. for decades. Since the early 1970s, all fish have originated from a single-source population in Connor Lakes. This source has been genetically confirmed to be pure WCT but all releases continue to be diploid. Given the significant localized substructuring apparent in wild populations, there is some risk associated with releasing a non-local (i.e., not same watershed) fish capable of reproducing.

Stocking history in B.C.

The stocking of non-native trout species into waters containing native WCT has been one of the greatest threats to the persistence of the species throughout much of its original range.

To attempt a more focused consideration of WCT waterbodies, Table A12.1 considers only stocked waterbodies in which WCT have also been observed based on the provincial FISS database records. Predictive modelling to identify those waterbodies likely to support WCT will enable a more thorough analysis of hatchery practices throughout the native WCT range in B.C.

In the central groups, over 50% of the lakes in which WCT have been observed are also stocked with WCT. Most of the recent stocking initiatives are limited to lake stocking within these areas but some WCT stocking appears to be continuing in riverine situations. While this may not affect genetic integrity at the species level, it may act to genetically homogenize populations where the non-local hatchery stock interbreeds with local wild populations, particularly given the unclear origins of the Connor Lakes hatchery fish.

With respect to Rainbow Trout stocking within the core range of WCT outside of native Rainbow Trout range, the Upper Kootenay Population Group has seen most introductions. Only one lake and one stream received Rainbow Trout in the Flathead. Only 8 waterbodies in the Elk River reported to contain WCT received Rainbow Trout. Note that Summit Lake (in Elk group), Joseph Creek, and Bull River (both in Upper Kootenay group), which all contain native WCT populations, also directly received hatchery Rainbow Trout 10 or more times.

Long Description for Table A12.1

Table A12.1 is titled “Number of streams and lakes (as defined by unique “blueline number” up until 2008; B. Woods, pers. comm. Ongoing) where WCT has been observed at least once for which at least one stocking event has also occurred for CS (Cutthroat x Rainbow Trout cross), CT (Cutthroat Trout, probably coastal), EBT (Eastern Brook Trout), RBT (Rainbow Trout), and WCT. Total WCT = the total number of streams and lakes were WCT have been observed.” The table is read horizontally from left to right, and consists of nine columns and ten rows. The top row contains the column headings: Population Group, Waterbody type, Total WCT, CS, CT, EBT, RBT, WCT, and Total Stocked. The rows all the column headings to the right of Population group are further sub-divided into Stream and Lake. A total row is found at the very bottom of the table.

Table A12.1. Number of streams and lakes (as defined by unique “blueline number” up until 2008; B. Woods, pers. comm. Ongoing) where WCT has been observed at least once for which at least one stocking event has also occurred for CS (Cutthroat x Rainbow Trout cross), CT (Cutthroat Trout, probably coastal), EBT (Eastern Brook Trout), RBT (Rainbow Trout), and WCT. Total WCT = the total number of streams and lakes were WCT have been observed.
Population Group Waterbody type Total WCT CS CT EBT RBT WCT Total stocked
Elk Stream 134 0 0 4 3 22 29
Lake 36 0 0 0 5 20 25
Flathead Stream 85 0 0 0 1 6 7
Lake 17 0 0 0 1 12 13
Upper Kootenay Stream 406 0 3 5 15 43 66
Lake 114 0 1 7 21 53 82
West Kootenay Stream 246 1 2 4 21 30 58
lake 81 0 0 2 16 47 65
Columbia Stream 117 0 0 2 9 19 30
Lake 54 0 1 0 11 29 41
Kettle Stream 12 0 0 0 0 3 3
Lake 7 0 0 0 0 7 7
South Thompson Stream 6 0 0 0 1 5 6
Lake 4 0 0 0 3 1 4
Total Stream 1006 1 5 15 40 128 189
  Lake 313 0 2 9 54 169 234

Appendix 13. Threats assessment

While the moderate to high rated threats identified for each Population Group are discussed in detail in the main body of the document, lower ranking threats, which may include wide-ranging threats and threats with significant data gaps, may play an important role in exacerbating other factors already threatening WCT. For example, it is suspected that invasive species (COSEWIC 2007) such as spiny-rayed fishes, and zebra and quagga mussels, may play a role in competition for shared resources. However, due to knowledge gaps, we cannot be certain how strong of a role they play. Although fishing pressure was not listed as a high ranking threat for at-risk populations, it is widespread across WCT’s entire range, and population reductions have the potential to enhance vulnerability to stochastic events (e.g., epizootics; COSEWIC 2007). Mayhood (2009) highlights that WCT are most vulnerable to overharvest in small-stream populations in part due to their vulnerability to increased road access to these areas. Finally, although not identified as a single threat, habitat degradation is a recurring theme across most threats to WCT. For example, forest harvest, mining, linear projects, agriculture, development, and water use all potentially affect WCT habitat quality and quantity. In particular, carrying capacity is diminished significantly by habitat degradation via fine sedimentation, barrier creation, and climate warming in Albertan populations of WCT (Mayhood 2009); details on equivalent effects in B.C. are lacking. Trends suggest significant amounts of habitat degradation over the last 100 years, in part due to recent increases in access to waterbodies, and with formal protection measures only recently coming into force (COSEWIC 2006). Consideration of the influence of invasive species, fishing pressure, and habitat degradation is thus important when interpreting results of the threat assessment tool.

The following table contains the entire ranked list of threat mechanisms and associated sources.23 Refer to Hatfield and Long (2010) for more information on the threat assessment process used.

Long Description for Table A13.1

Table A13.1 is titled “Output from threats assessment tool with all threats considered. Threats sorted by Population Group, then by threat mechanisms.” The table is read horizontally from left to right, and consists of eight columns and 438 rows. The top row contains the column headings: Population Group, Threat meachanism 1st Level, Threat mechanism 2nd Level, Threat Source, Scope, Severity, and Timing. Footnotes on the column headers Population Group, Scope, Severity, Timing and Threat Impact offer further explanation.

Table A13.1. Output from threats assessment tool with all threats considered. Threats sorted by Population Group, then by threat mechanisms.
Population Group u Threat mechanism
1st Level
Threat mechanism
2nd Level
Threat source Scope v Severity w Timing x Threat Impact y
Columbia Habitat Altered community dynamics Invasive Species Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown
Columbia Habitat Altered community dynamics Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Columbia Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Moderate Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Altered community dynamics Industrial and Municipal Discharges Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Altered community dynamics Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Altered flow regime Climate Change & Severe Weather Large Unknown Ongoing, increasing Unknown
Columbia Habitat Altered flow regime Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Serious Ongoing, increasing Medium
Columbia Habitat Altered flow regime Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Large Moderate Ongoing, increasing Medium
Columbia Habitat Altered flow regime Agriculture Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Altered flow regime Forest Harvest Restricted Moderate Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Altered flow regime Industrial and Municipal Discharges Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Altered flow regime Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Altered flow regime Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Altered flow regime Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Columbia Habitat Altered flow regime Linear Projects Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Columbia Habitat Fish passage Forest Harvest Large Unknown Ongoing, diminishing Unknown
Columbia Habitat Fish passage Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Ongoing, stable Unknown
Columbia Habitat Fish passage Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Serious Ongoing, stable Medium
Columbia Habitat Fish passage Linear Projects Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
Columbia Habitat Fish passage Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Large Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Fish passage Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Fish passage Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight 0 Low
Columbia Habitat Fish passage Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Columbia Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Columbia Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight 0 Low
Columbia Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Linear Projects Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
Columbia Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Forest Harvest Negligible Negligible Ongoing, diminishing Negligible
Columbia Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Columbia Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Large Unknown Ongoing, stable Unknown
Columbia Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Agriculture Small Slight Residual only Low
Columbia Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Columbia Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Columbia Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Invasive Species Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Columbia Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Columbia Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Forest Harvest Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
Columbia Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Agriculture Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Columbia Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Linear Projects Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Columbia Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Columbia Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Invasive Species Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Columbia Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight 0 Low
Columbia Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Linear Projects Small Slight Residual only Low
Columbia Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Columbia Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Columbia Habitat Water quality Invasive Species Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Columbia Habitat Water quality Forest Harvest Large Moderate Ongoing, increasing Medium
Columbia Habitat Water quality Mining Small Slight Residual only Low
Columbia Habitat Water quality Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Water quality Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Water quality Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Water quality Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Water quality Linear Projects Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Habitat Water quality Climate Change & Severe Weather Restricted Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Columbia Habitat Water quality Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Columbia Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Invasive Species Small Unknown Ongoing, stable Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Moderate Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Pervasive Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Columbia Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Industrial and Municipal Discharges Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Small Extreme Ongoing, stable Low
Columbia Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Fishing Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Columbia Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Linear Projects Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Columbia Non-Habitat Direct mortality Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Direct mortality Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Restricted Unknown Ongoing, stable Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Direct mortality Linear Projects Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Direct mortality Fishing Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Columbia Non-Habitat Disease Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Disease Industrial and Municipal Discharges Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Disease Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Disease Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Entrainment Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Entrainment Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible Residual only Negligible
Columbia Non-Habitat Entrainment Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Columbia Non-Habitat Introgression Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Columbia Non-Habitat Introgression Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Small Extreme Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Unknown Ongoing, increasing Unknown
Elk Habitat Altered community dynamics Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Elk Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Small Serious Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Altered community dynamics Industrial and Municipal Discharges Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Altered community dynamics Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Altered flow regime Climate Change & Severe Weather Large Unknown Ongoing, increasing Unknown
Elk Habitat Altered flow regime Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Serious Ongoing, increasing Medium
Elk Habitat Altered flow regime Agriculture Restricted Moderate Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Altered flow regime Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Moderate Ongoing, increasing Low
Elk Habitat Altered flow regime Forest Harvest Restricted Moderate Ongoing, diminishing Low
Elk Habitat Altered flow regime Industrial and Municipal Discharges Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Altered flow regime Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Altered flow regime Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Altered flow regime Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Elk Habitat Altered flow regime Linear Projects Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Elk Habitat Fish passage Forest Harvest Restricted Unknown Ongoing, diminishing Unknown
Elk Habitat Fish passage Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Ongoing, stable Unknown
Elk Habitat Fish passage Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Serious Ongoing, increasing Medium
Elk Habitat Fish passage Linear Projects Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
Elk Habitat Fish passage Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Elk Habitat Fish passage Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Fish passage Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight 0 Low
Elk Habitat Fish passage Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Elk Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Agriculture Small Serious Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Elk Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight 0 Low
Elk Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Linear Projects Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Slight Ongoing, stable Negligible
Elk Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Forest Harvest Negligible Negligible Ongoing, diminishing Negligible
Elk Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Elk Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Agriculture Small Slight Residual only Low
Elk Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Mining Small Serious Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Elk Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Elk Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Elk Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Invasive Species Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Elk Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Elk Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Forest Harvest Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
Elk Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Mining Restricted Serious Ongoing, stable Medium
Elk Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Agriculture Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Elk Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Linear Projects Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Elk Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Elk Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Invasive Species Restricted Unknown Future only Unknown
Elk Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Mining Small Moderate Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight 0 Low
Elk Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Linear Projects Small Slight Residual only Low
Elk Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Elk Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Elk Habitat Water quality Invasive Species Restricted Unknown Future only Unknown
Elk Habitat Water quality Forest Harvest Large Moderate Ongoing, increasing Medium
Elk Habitat Water quality Mining Restricted Serious Residual only Medium
Elk Habitat Water quality Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Water quality Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Water quality Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Water quality Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Water quality Linear Projects Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Habitat Water quality Climate Change & Severe Weather Restricted Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Elk Habitat Water quality Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Elk Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Invasive Species Small Unknown Ongoing, stable Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Moderate Ongoing, increasing Low
Elk Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Restricted Serious Ongoing, stable Medium
Elk Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Elk Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Industrial and Municipal Discharges Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Fishing Large Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Elk Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Linear Projects Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Elk Non-Habitat Direct mortality Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Direct mortality Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Restricted Unknown Ongoing, stable Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Direct mortality Linear Projects Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Direct mortality Fishing Large Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Elk Non-Habitat Disease Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Disease Industrial and Municipal Discharges Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Disease Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Disease Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Entrainment Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Entrainment Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible Residual only Negligible
Elk Non-Habitat Entrainment Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Elk Non-Habitat Introgression Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Elk Non-Habitat Introgression Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Large Extreme Ongoing, increasing High
Flathead Habitat Altered community dynamics Climate Change & Severe Weather Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Flathead Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered community dynamics Invasive Species Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered community dynamics Industrial and Municipal Discharges Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered community dynamics Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered flow regime Forest Harvest Restricted Moderate Ongoing, diminishing Low
Flathead Habitat Altered flow regime Climate Change & Severe Weather Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Habitat Altered flow regime Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered flow regime Agriculture Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered flow regime Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered flow regime Industrial and Municipal Discharges Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered flow regime Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered flow regime Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered flow regime Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Altered flow regime Linear Projects Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Fish passage Linear Projects Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Flathead Habitat Fish passage Forest Harvest Restricted Moderate Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Habitat Fish passage Climate Change & Severe Weather Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Habitat Fish passage Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Fish passage Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Fish passage Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Fish passage Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Fish passage Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Linear Projects Restricted Moderate Residual only Low
Flathead Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Agriculture Negligible Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Flathead Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Forest Harvest Negligible Negligible Residual only Negligible
Flathead Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Agriculture Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible Ongoing, increasing Negligible
Flathead Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Invasive Species Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Forest Harvest Restricted Moderate Residual only Low
Flathead Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Linear Projects Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Flathead Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Oil and Gas Small Slight Residual only Low
Flathead Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Linear Projects Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Agriculture Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Water quality Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Flathead Habitat Water quality Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Habitat Water quality Forest Harvest Restricted Moderate Ongoing, diminishing Low
Flathead Habitat Water quality Oil and Gas Small Slight Residual only Low
Flathead Habitat Water quality Linear Projects Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Habitat Water quality Climate Change & Severe Weather Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Habitat Water quality Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Water quality Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Water quality Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Habitat Water quality Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Linear Projects Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Flathead Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Invasive Species Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Climate Change & Severe Weather Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Flathead Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Industrial and Municipal Discharges Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Fishing Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Direct mortality Linear Projects Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Flathead Non-Habitat Direct mortality Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Direct mortality Fishing Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Direct mortality Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Negligible Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Disease Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Flathead Non-Habitat Disease Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Flathead Non-Habitat Disease Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Flathead Non-Habitat Disease Industrial and Municipal Discharges Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Entrainment Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Entrainment Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Entrainment Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Flathead Non-Habitat Introgression Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Flathead Non-Habitat Introgression Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Unknown Ongoing, increasing Unknown
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Small Serious Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Industrial and Municipal Discharges Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Climate Change & Severe Weather Large Unknown Ongoing, increasing Unknown
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Serious Ongoing, increasing Medium
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Moderate Ongoing, increasing Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Forest Harvest Restricted Moderate Ongoing, diminishing Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Industrial and Municipal Discharges Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Mining Small Slight Residual only Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Linear Projects Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Forest Harvest Restricted Unknown Ongoing, diminishing Unknown
Upper Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Ongoing, stable Unknown
Upper Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Serious Ongoing, increasing Medium
Upper Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Linear Projects Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
Upper Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Mining Small Slight Residual only Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight 0 Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Agriculture Small Serious Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight 0 Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Linear Projects Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Slight Ongoing, stable Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Forest Harvest Negligible Negligible Ongoing, diminishing Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Agriculture Small Slight Residual only Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Invasive Species Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Forest Harvest Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
Upper Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Agriculture Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Moderate Ongoing, increasing Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Linear Projects Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Invasive Species Restricted Unknown Future only Unknown
Upper Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight 0 Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Linear Projects Small Serious Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Upper Kootenay Habitat Water quality Invasive Species Restricted Unknown Future only Unknown
Upper Kootenay Habitat Water quality Forest Harvest Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
Upper Kootenay Habitat Water quality Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Water quality Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Water quality Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Water quality Mining Small Slight Residual only Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Water quality Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Water quality Linear Projects Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Water quality Climate Change & Severe Weather Restricted Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Upper Kootenay Habitat Water quality Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Invasive Species Small Unknown Ongoing, stable Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Restricted Extreme Ongoing, stable Medium
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Moderate Ongoing, increasing Low
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Industrial and Municipal Discharges Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Fishing Large Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Linear Projects Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Direct mortality Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Direct mortality Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Restricted Unknown Ongoing, stable Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Direct mortality Linear Projects Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Direct mortality Fishing Large Slight Ongoing, stable Low
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Disease Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Disease Industrial and Municipal Discharges Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Disease Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Disease Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown Future only Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Entrainment Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Entrainment Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Negligible Residual only Negligible
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Entrainment Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Introgression Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
Upper Kootenay Non-Habitat Introgression Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Large Extreme Ongoing, increasing High
West Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
West Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Invasive Species Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Industrial and Municipal Discharges Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered community dynamics Climate Change & Severe Weather Small Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
West Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Forest Harvest Large Moderate Ongoing, diminishing Medium
West Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Agriculture Small Moderate Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Restricted Moderate Ongoing, increasing Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Industrial and Municipal Discharges Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Mining Restricted Slight Ongoing, diminishing Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Climate Change & Severe Weather Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Altered flow regime Linear Projects Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Linear Projects Large Unknown 0 Unknown
West Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
West Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Forest Harvest Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
West Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Restricted Slight 0 Low
West Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Mining Restricted Slight Residual only Low
West Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Climate Change & Severe Weather Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Fish passage Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Linear Projects Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
West Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Forest Harvest Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Instream mechanical disturbance Mining Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Agriculture Small Slight Residual only Low
West Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Moderate Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Mining Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Restricted Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
West Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Restricted Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Invasive Species Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Large scale habitat modifications Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Forest Harvest Large Moderate Residual only Medium
West Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Mining Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Linear Projects Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Riparian clearing and alteration Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Mining Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Linear Projects Restricted Slight Residual only Low
West Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Invasive Species Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Small scale habitat modifications Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Water quality Forest Harvest Large Moderate Ongoing, diminishing Medium
West Kootenay Habitat Water quality Agriculture Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Water quality Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Water quality Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Restricted Moderate Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Water quality Mining Restricted Slight Residual only Low
West Kootenay Habitat Water quality Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Water quality Linear Projects Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Habitat Water quality Climate Change & Severe Weather Restricted Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
West Kootenay Habitat Water quality Invasive Species Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Habitat Water quality Oil and Gas Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Large Moderate Ongoing, stable Medium
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Restricted Slight Ongoing, increasing Low
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Industrial and Municipal Discharges Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Invasive Species Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Restricted Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Climate Change & Severe Weather Small Slight Ongoing, stable Low
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Fishing Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Altered community dynamics Linear Projects Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Direct mortality Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Direct mortality Linear Projects Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Direct mortality Fishing Small Negligible Ongoing, stable Negligible
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Direct mortality Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Disease Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Disease Industrial and Municipal Discharges Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Disease Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Disease Climate Change & Severe Weather Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Entrainment Water Use - temporary diversions/dams, non-consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Entrainment Water Use – permanent withdrawal – consumptive Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Entrainment Residential, Recreational and Commercial Development Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Introgression Aquaculture, Hatcheries and Stocking Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown
West Kootenay Non-Habitat Introgression Invasive Species Unknown Unknown 0 Unknown

u Population Group – As described in Section 4.2.2.

v Scope – Proportion of the species that can reasonably be expected to be affected by the threat within 10 years. Usually measured as a proportion of the species’ population in the area of interest. (Pervasive = 71–100%; Large = 31–70%; Restricted = 11–30%; Small = 1–10%; Negligible < 1%).

w Severity – the scope, the level of damage to the species from the threat that can reasonably be expected to be affected by the threat within a 10-year or three-generation timeframe. Usually measured as the degree of reduction of the species’ population. (Extreme = 71–100%; Serious = 31–70%; Moderate = 11–30%; Slight = 1–10%; Negligible < 1%).

x Timing – Residual only (i.e., threat is no longer occurring but residual effects continue); Ongoing but diminishing; Ongoing and stable; Ongoing but increasing; and Future only.

y Threat Impact – The degree to which a species is observed, inferred, or suspected to be directly or indirectly threatened in the area of interest (Master et al. 2009). This combined score is based on the interaction between assigned scope and severity values, and considers only present and future threats. Threat impact reflects a reduction of a species population or decline/degradation of the area of an ecosystem. (Very High; High; Medium; Low; Negligible; Unknown; Blank). “Unknown” means that data are not available to assess the threat. Blank means that the assessor cannot make an informed rating.

22 Recommended management actions for WCT in B.C. were generated largely based on the output of a provincial workshop held in Cranbrook, BC., on December 8–9, 2010.

23 Outputs were generated based on preliminary responses from four local experts, as well as follow-up discussion at the December 2010 provincial workshop.

*Important Notice and Disclaimer: DFO does not assume any responsibility for the quality of information, products or services listed in the Web sites provided above. Users should also be aware that information from external sources is available only in the language in which it was provided.

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